S60 İçin GBA Emülatörü

Bu yazılımı kodlayan arkadaşlara kucak dolusu teşekkürler. Ngage aldığım günden itibaren kendi oyunları dışında ayrıca S60 üzerinde çalışabilen emülatörler üzerine de derin bir araştırmaya giriştim. Bu telefonda java oyunları oynamak bana pek mantıklı görünmediği için pek fazla buluşmadım onlara. Birçok konsolun emülatörü ve oyunu vardı, televizyona bağlanan veya cebinizde taşıdığınız.

GB ve GBC emülatörleri de vardı ve çok güzel çalışıyordu ama ne yazık ki GBA emülatörü yoktu. Aramaya çok fena inanmıştım mamafih bulamamıştım. Google da bulduğum tüm sonuçlarda olumsuz sonuç alıyordum. Her sayfada “olmaz öyle şey”, “saçmalamayın, bu imkânsız” ve daha da beterlerini gördüm ama yılmadım. Sadece, araya başka şeyler girdi. Sonra birden karşıma çıktı kendiliğinden GBA emülatörü. Oradaydı işte yapmam gereken tek şey telefona kurup çalıştırmaktı. Şimdi bu emülatörün sitesinin forum bölümünde yazılanlarla sizleri baş başa bırakıyorum…


SIS paketi yalnızca exe dosyasını içerir, bunu çalıştırmak için Fexplorer veya benzeri bir programa ihtiyacınız var
E:\System\Apps\vBag\1.gba .
Sahip olduğunuz ROM dosyasını da aynı klasöre ismini 1.gba yaparak kopyalayın


'1' - A
'4' - B
'2' - Seç
'9' - Başla
'7' - L
'8' - R
RightSoft - çıkış


4096 renkli telefonlar - http://vampent.com/d.php?d=vbag1.sis
65536 renkliler - http://vampent.com/d.php?d=vbag2.sis
262K renkliler - http://vampent.com/d.php?d=vbag3.sis

"Is this a Hoax or is it real?" diye bir soru cümleciği, kurulmasın aklınızda, gerçektir. Tabi burada oyunları çalıştırdığından bahsediyoruz (3-5 fps) bu onları doya doya oynayabileceğiniz anlamına gelmiyor

“This is seriously cool, its a shame that the N-Gage lacks the CPU power needed to run in real time, but its great to see peeps pushing the boundaries of the hardware.

Maybe they will consider a HLE (High level emulation) approach as in rather than emulating as much games as possible. Isolate the games that have the lowest original GBA hardware requirements and attempt to emulate just that specific hardware.

It may be possible at that level to support several games which are playable . Although it does require some serious extra coding with the HLE approach.”

“Amazing product and not really all that slow, it doesn't seem to me a lot slower than vsun 1.0 (probably a bit, and i've only tried 2 games). so if vampent could make it like the rest of the emulators with the icon on menu and same interface. and do a similar speed up that happened from vsun 1.0 to 1.1 im sure some games would become at least playable, not perfect speed but good nough to play?

i think vampent should continue to work on this and make it better as im sure alot of people will be willing to pay for a GBA emulator even if it isnt at full speed, plus if it is worked on enough when new s60 phones come out with better CPU's and stuff there will already be a fully working GBA emu for them.”

“Mmmm, GBA has an ARM7 16mhz cpu, most symbian phones have ARM9 104mhz cpus. So...here is some of my thoughts:

- I´ve seen a gb mono emulator on GBA running just on the ARM cpu and not in the z80 one, and worked pretty fast (near 60 fps all the time. Notice vBoy runs at 60 fps with frameskip = 1, so 30 fps...)
- I´ve seen a snes emulator on GBA and also worked incredible well (I think it maps snes sprites/layers to gba native equivalents)
- Arm7 code is forward-compatible to ARM9 cpu´s, so what is preventing coders to program a GBA emu running the code natively instead of emulating the whole cpu?. I we run the gba arm7 code in the real symbian cpu (ala VmWare), we still have 88mhz free to emulate the z80 cpu, the gb sound chip, and the video chip.
- I know Symbian wasn´t designed for this kind of realtime applications, and maybe is hard to force all the phone resources in a single task, but...104 mhz...is pretty enough to do some interesting things.
- Also, I think symbian mobiles hasn´t any kind of video acceleration, maybe just a plain framebuffer, similar to old vga´s, so thats eats cpu resources as hell...but hey...did anyone ever tryed Turrican 2 on PC?. They achieved vsync scrolling, and sprites with no frameskip even in old 486 computers and plain VGA´s. (I think an ARM9 104mhz cpu is probably faster than that).

So..to sum up, Symbian mobiles are pretty fast, Symbian OS wasn´t designed for gaming, we still far to see an application using our s60´s true power. (although Vampent´s emus, are really impressive if you compare them with others)

Final fact: don´t take too seriuosly my asumptions, probably I´m pretty wrong...I´m not a symbian coder after all”

“ I think u re wrong (but maybe I'm wrong:P). It should be 60fps-1fps=59fps, not 30fps... Between 30 and 60 fps is a big diffrence ... I dont see big diffrence beetween emulator and real gameboy...”

“Sorry, but I´m not wrong , thats what frameskip means. This is how frameskip works universally, if you select a fixed value:

Fs = 1, renders 1 frame, skips another


I think you probably didn´t played a GB for long time, but I´m sure you´ll could see the difference in terms of movement smoothnes between vboy and a real gb, and the reason is that. vBoy never pass the 30 fps mark.
Altough it synchronizes with a emulated 60 fps refresh, it only shows half of the frames.

In fact I think I´ve never seen a single game on Symbian running at 60 fps (which I suppose is the screen refresh it uses), maybe owned to not having any kind of video aceleration.”

“VooD wrote:
Mmmm, GBA has an ARM7 16mhz cpu, most symbian phones have ARM9 104mhz cpus. So...here is some of my thoughts:
- Arm7 code is forward-compatible to ARM9 cpu´s, so what is preventing coders to program a GBA emu running the code natively instead of emulating the whole cpu?. I we run the gba arm7 code in the real symbian cpu (ala VmWare), we still have 88mhz free to emulate the z80 cpu, the gb sound chip, and the video chip.

This requires some form of CPU virtualization, which might not be easy to do with the ARM9. Full virtualization is not needed for the GBA emulator for the GP32 because only one app runs at a time on the GP32, while the S60 phones have multiple apps running at the same time.

Also, modern x86 CPUs have built-in support for virtualization, which is why VMware (and the free open source alternative QEMU) can run so fast. So unless they can do that, a GBA emulator might not ever run at an acceptable speed on current S60 phones. Hopefully they can speed up the emulator and add better game compatibility, as it would be very popular.

I still love how some people still deny it is possible even after seeing this demo. OH well, they would probably also deny the fact that the sky is the blue.”

“ Very impressive vampent! congrats!

compatibility is amazingly good! speed as also alot better than i had expected... but then again, i didnt expect much. too bad its still far from playable. but maybe in about a year when phones are faster we would get something perfectly playable.

Jagasian, of course it is "possible" if what u mean by possible is actually getting an image on the screen. i mean even an n64 emulator would be no problems if u dont mind the slowness... u can get a perfect image but how fast will it go? maybe 5 frames a minute? vbag is still not at a playable speed. 1 - 3 fps is not what i call playing a game. its more like watching a slideshow.

VooD is right about the framerate. it runs at a perfect 60fps with full sound. but there is an important things to note. its NOT a gbc emulator... only gb. apparently gbc wont run at full speed and no1 has bothered going through the hassle. the whole cpu IS emulated tho. but gbc needs alot more power than gb so thats why the difference is so big.”

“Alexx wrote:
VooD is right about the framerate. it runs at a perfect 60fps with full sound. but there is an important things to note. its NOT a gbc emulator... only gb. apparently gbc wont run at full speed and no1 has bothered going through the hassle. the whole cpu IS emulated tho. but gbc needs alot more power than gb so thats why the difference is so big.

Yep, but if they can get 60 fps gb emulation on a 16 mhz arm7 cpu, I think we could get a bit more than 30 fps on our 104 mhz arm9 cpu´s . Altough I think probably the only way to get decent emulation on symbian will be to completly kill the os after launching the emu and working directly with the hardware bypassing the OS.
Btw Playstation runs a 33 mhz MIPS cpu, that I think is about as fast as a arm9 104 mhz, or maybe less, and you can get 60 fps with sound in a nes emulator ...but again, psx has dedicated video acceleration for things like double buffering, blittering, etc... “

“nope. vampent confirmed that they wont work on vbag anymore. it was just a demo to show ppl that gba on todays s60 phones just isnt possible at a playable speed. this is the first and final release.”

(Ayar yemeden önceki son sözler)
“OOOOOHHH GUYYSSSS you are all... MMMMouarrrh its discussting !!!!
NOBODY IN HERE got the idea to say if this emulator got sound emulation ?????? its pokemaniac fan topic huh ?
every talk about the key map but where is the key map??they ask simple questions that could be resolved with a SIMPLE but useFULL FEATURE LIST!!
In the download section when i click on the FEATURE link i would like do be moved on a real FEATURE PAGE !!



Sorry to be like dat but its revolting 7 pages of NOTHING you can make a new topics for the trouble shooting its not cost a lot for real nothing !”

“Wow... Moussm, arn't you the smart one?

How's this... IT HAS NO FEATURES... did that answer your question?

Whatever... Let's make a featurelist...
- No Sound
- You can't change the keys
- You can only have one rom at a time
- No landscape/portrait settings
- No savestates
- No bluetooth multiplayer
- No layer settings
- No other settings
- No menu
- No free toaster
- No pie

Moussm, please understand when I spell this to you: IT HAS NO FEATURES! IT ONLY PLAYS GBA GAMES! AND AT 3FPS! DO YOU REALLY EXEPT IT TO HAVE SOUND?

If you are too lazy to test it then why are you here wasting everyones time? Get lost you clown! This is a DEMO and it's not even meant to be used! It just shows that GBA on today's s60 phones is impossible!”

“I guess the real question is who r the thrid part of vampent who made this emulator....
cause they really r pushing the limit of the s60
good work”

“i think that al we need to wait so to play vgba on mobile phone , new and faster Processor are been distirbuid ever six month or soo the new nokia n93 has a 330Mhz Processor, if somoene has the phone it would be nice to know if the vbag is working on it\?>

and way there is a site that has must new phones Processor speed if you want to check

“You may be happy to read about a recent emulator that has just been released for S60 3rd edition devices.
It's a gameboy advance emulator still being under development but already available for downloading.

I'm not allowed to link to it's website, but I can tell you it is an official port of Virtual GameboyAdvance which was originally designed for PC.

I hope that was useful”

Son arkadaşın dediği gibi “s60 3rd edition” için yeni bir emülatör var ama ne yazık ki Ngage de bu sürüm yok. Nokia sana bir şey demiyorum ya. Google da arayarak linkini bulabilirsiniz “GBA emulator for s60 3rd edition”. Psikopat değilim şu anda elimin altında internet yok, olsa veririm adresi herhalde, yoksa kuşkun mu var :)


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